I did not know how long it would take to get a CT/PET scan until I arrived for the appointment early in the morning. I’m a “must eat as soon as I roll outta bed” kinda person, and having gotten up at 7am without breakfast or coffee (have to fast for scan) and drove 2 hours (again with out coffee) to be told at 10am that the scan process will take 3 hours (without coffee)… well she’s lucky I didn’t eat my Wheaties after all!
The scan it’s self is only about an hour, but you have to have a die injected beforehand and then percolate for an hour. Ahh injections here we go again! You know the story, my veins are toast and it’s very hard to get a line in or out. After the usual 3 tries in different locations the tech got into my hand, the problem with that was I started to faint after the 2nd try and more people had to be called in to deal with me and my shenanigans while the first guy kept poking around.
It’s really so maddening! I am not afraid of needles or blood and I am indifferent to these pains, but the moment it looks like the process is not working (usually the 2nd,3rd or 4th poke) I start to faint. My nurses, mother and therapist all say it’s a stress response but I don’t feel stressed, just embarrassed that I can’t control myself. (The lack of food probably didn’t help.)
Oh it just flabbergasts me! I am not a lily of girl, I can do 16 rounds of chemo, watch the doctor jab a 6” needle in my heart to drain it… hell I once took a punch in the jaw in grade 9 from a girl built like a quarter back; I was famous that week! (I didn’t dare hit her back, but I didn’t fall down either; and I kept her boyfriend… I digress…) I am a tough bitch… who faints allot! (As soon as I wake up there’ll be hell to pay!)
Anyways the scan was uneventful; the results are in a few days.
Tamara -1 vs. Cancer -0
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