Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Much ado about nothing

The week-end was a bit too much for me. I didn’t get to bed until 3am on Friday night after the Christmas party and then late again on Saturday night after a holiday dinner at a friends. By Sunday I was done and spent the day on the couch not really being able to sleep much.

Sunday night a mild headache started in the front right of my head and stayed with me until the morning. I talked to Mum about it early Monday morning because I was worried it might be a blood clot. Last week the vein in my neck (on the right) above my permacath had swollen and a smaller vein on my shoulder had gone bright blue. The area was tense indicating a pull or a pinch to the nerve. I’ve had blue veining across my chest before when my heart was not getting very much oxygen, so I knew this was something, but not sure what. Then it went away after a few days so I thought it might have been a pull from my lifting decoration boxes last week.

I got up and got ready for the day anyways, but I had a feeling it might not work out. The homecare nurse came to clean my line and it wasn’t working very well, sluggish, and so I decided to give the hospital a call. I put all these things together and she said I should come in and get them checked out. She also asked me if my right arm was swollen and when I looked at it I could have sworn it was, but sometime we see what we want to see. About 20 minutes later I couldn’t tell the difference and wondered if I was crying wolf as we drove to the hospital.

I wonder sometimes if my health continues to be well for a period of time do I make more ado about the usual aches and pains because I'm afraid of being well. Like my mind makes up something so that I can go get checked out and assured that I'm okay? Because after a day at the hospital I slept just fine that night and have felt fine since. No bloodclots!

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